While back pain would certainly be easier to treat if there was one specific cause, that’s simply not the case. There are a number of issues that can lead to prolonged back pain, including:

  • Strained muscles

  • Bulging disks

  • Ruptured discs

  • Arthritis

  • Osteoporosis

  • Spinal stress fractures

  • Strained ligaments

  • Constriction of the spinal canal

  • Scoliosis

In short, back pain can be caused by problems with your muscles, nerves, or bones. Because the causes of back pain are so wide-ranging, effectively treating your pain comes down to finding a back pain specialist who will work to diagnose your specific condition and treat your unique causes.

If your back pain persists for more than a week, stop in for a free consultation at Main Street Chiropractic here in Babylon. Book an appointment below or call us at 631-983-8500.