Upward Stim Bars

Upward Stim Bars recalibrate your body if you have a natural lean to the back. Only perform these if Dr. Crimi recommends them to you.

Tip: Bookmark this page and set a daily reminder on your phone so you don’t forget.

But first: Please rate us on Google if you have not already! We would not be in business if not for people like you.


Follow the red bars upward with your eyes, one bar at a time. When the bar goes off screen, brings your eyes to the bar at the bottom and follow it up. Repeat this once a day every day. Do this for no longer than 10 seconds at a time at first and build up the time slowly each day.

Refer a Friend

The greatest compliment you could ever give is the referral of someone you love. If you know someone who has been in a car accident, had a neck injury, is feeling the effects of pregnancy or has any other neck/back ailment, please send them to Main Street Chiropractic in Babylon for a free consultation.