How Resourceful Are You?

Are you a “Resourceful bugger” when it comes to conserving resources and making frugal decisions?

Answer these three questions to see how resourceful you are in these scenarios.


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You are sitting in front of a small campfire that is burning steadily when you start feeling cold. What do you do with the wood from your limited woodpile to warm up? There is nothing else available to help you keep warm besides the fire.


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You’re in the shower and have found the ideal temperature by turning the two separate hot and cold knobs to a nice balance. Then the shower gets too cold. How do you make the water warmer?


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You are sitting on the couch and notice that it’s too cold in the room. You go to the thermostat and see the reason: it’s 65 degrees farenheight. What do you do to warm up?

Scenario 1 Answer

A resourceful bugger would do nothing with the wood at first. They would move closer to the fire before burning more of their limited fuel supply.

Scenario 2 Answer

A resourceful bugger would turn the cold knob down instead of turning up the hot.

Scenario 3 Answer

A resourceful bugger would put on a sweater or blanket.

We hope you got all three and if not that we got you thinking about how to be more mindful of the limited resources we have.

Likewise, if you are in pain, you may want to explore cost effective and non-invasive options before turning to surgery or medication, such as Chiropractic adjustment. If you live nearby, please do stop by Mainstreet Chiropractic, your local chiropractor in Babylon. If you’re not from the area but have questions I would encourage you to post them below, reach out, or simply search “chiropractor near me” on the internet to find what might be the most resourceful way to address your neck pain, back pain or any kind of pain you may be in.

-Dr. Bob

Steps we’re taking for cleanliness in our office

We are committed to taking all the precautions that will make you feel comfortable getting adjusted in our office, in light of the COVID-19.

If it’s time to address your pain, we’ll be here and will maintain the cleanest environment possible to keep you on your path to feeling better. 

What we’re doing for all patients:

  1. We are sanitizing our hands after every patient.

  2. We are also wearing a face mask and disposable gloves.

  3. Lysol wiping the table after every patient, among all surfaces like door knobs.

  4. Exam paper to protect your face, as usual.


If you’d like to be extra cautious, we can also:

  1. Do only face-up adjustments on the table.

  2. Perform adjustments from a seated position in our chair.

  3. Perform a “wall adjustment” where only your back touches a pad on the wall, where we adjust you from standing up. We actually do this for most patients and have been for years.


We are committed to your well-being and will take all necessary precautions to make you feel at ease.

If you have any questions please reach out to us at 631-983-8500.

Thank you,

-Dr. Bob

Does Looking Down at Your Phone Harm the Neck? Yes. Here’s Why and What You Can Do

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Can you tell what’s wrong with this photo and more importantly why it’s wrong?

Forward neck posture is a common cause of neck pain, jaw pain, headaches and shoulder aches. The reason is because by leaning forward to look at screens like smartphones and computers, you’re asking the tiny muscles in your neck and back to hold a position they were never meant to hold.

Imagine you were holding a 10 pound bowling ball upright. Now tilt your arm forward a few degrees. Can you feel the pressure increasing on the tiny muscles in your wrist? How long do you think you can hold this position before getting tendinitis? This is what happens when we lean forward for too long except the thing that weighs 10 pounds is of course your head.

You won’t give up your phone and I’m not asking you to, but there are a few things you can do.

The very best thing is to sit back, relax and listen to a podcast or some music. We recommend Freakonomics Radio is you’re on the train.

If you need to use your phone screen, the next best option is to simply keep your head upright and your shoulders back without tilting your neck down or forward. I can’t emphasize this enough. I recommend that when using a phone, lean back in your seat, hold the phone with both hands, plant your elbows on your rib cage as a support, and keep that head square over your shoulders. Keep your shoulders relaxed otherwise you’ll make your pain worse. Be sure to look up and move your neck around every few minutes.


If you’re serious about protecting your neck and you take the train every day, I also recommend putting a small neck pillow or rolled up jacket behind your neck (not your head) to give yourself extra support to take the lean and strain out of those smaller muscles. It takes a little experimentation to find the right amount of padding behind your neck, but it’s quite comfortable. When using your phone in this position, you can also rest your elbow on the armrest to keep your shoulders as relaxed as possible. Whatever you do, just don’t use your laptop on the train, the effects are quite damaging in the long term.

Strengthening the smaller muscles in your neck is helpful to keep things in place. Here are 3 exercises you can explore.

If you’re in pain, Chiropractic adjustment can also help by reopening nerve channels, which allows your body to unlock old positional habits that you find yourself in and don’t realize. Awareness is the key starting point and seeking a professional is the best way to see real results. You’re already part way there if you made it this far.

Main Street Chiropractic, your local Chiropractor in Babylon, is here to help. If you’re not from the area, start by searching the internet for “Chiropractor near me” and read their reviews.

You can book an appointment with Dr. Bob online below or call us at 631-983-8500 if you find yourself in pain and peeking at your phone more than you’d prefer.

- Dr. Bob

Main Street Chiropractic
Babylon, NY

Our Website’s Grand Reopening


Booking appointments and using your favorite resources just got easier with the launch of our new website. We’re thrilled to announce that our site now works great on smartphones and is even easier to use than ever. 

Some new features you might enjoy:

  1. Resources available in the top nav to aid with your chiropractic treatment

  2. Text me to book an appointment, reschedule or ask questions. Our cell is 516-582-1715

  3. Answers to common questions found in our blog. Check back periodically for helpful tips to aid the way you move, sit, think and live. Our first post talks about how to hold a smartphone without straining your neck.

Our new site was built by Cedar Lane Web Design and the SEO was optimized by SQSP Themes.

Let us know what you think and of course stop by your “chiropractor near me” for a visit in our Babylon location.

-Dr. Bob